It will prompt you to save the log, call this Services and save it to your desktop. Write down the Module name of any services in red color, you will need to expand out the Module tab to see the full name. Step 2 : Click the Win32 Services tab and look out for red colored entries in the services list. It will prompt you to save the log, call this Processes and save it to your desktop. Write down the PathName of any processes in red color. A red colored process in this list indicates that it's hidden. Click the Processes tab and watch for processes displayed in red color. Step 1 : Close all windows and run IceSword. Please download and unzip Icesword to its own folder on your desktop If you get a lot of 'red entries' in an IceSword log, don't panic. When it has finished, dss will open two Notepads main.txt and extra.txt - please copy (CTRL+A and then CTRL+C) and paste (CTRL+V) the contents of main.txt and extra.txt in your next reply.If your anti-virus or firewall complains, please allow this script to run as it is not malicious.Double-click on dss.exe and follow the prompts.Close all other windows before proceeding.Hello Use two posts for these logs Please download Deckard's System Scanner (DSS) and save it to your Desktop.